Unicycling Calendar
2025 edition is available
All 12 photos can be previewed here
In 2010, I took the initiative to create a wall calendar
dedicated to unicycling. The direct trigger for this was the fact that the
calendar of UNI Magazine wasn't produced anymore (as was the magazine
itself). Since then, I have made a calendar every year, and I intend to
continue for the foreseeable future. The World Unicycling Calendar has
always been a non-profit project.
How to get a copy?
Anyone interested can get a
copy from me, for free. Send an e-mail to
and state your name and the country where you live, and I will mail you a personal
download link through TransferNow, once the calendar is ready. This is a pdf file that you can print
for yourself.
For your personal use only. Please don't forward the download link or
the file itself. Anyone can get a copy directly from me.
No commercial use. I put a lot of effort in the calendar and
distribute it for free. Also, riders and photographers from all over the world give
permission to use their photos, trusting that no-one makes money off of
How to get a unicycling photo in the calendar?
Every year in December I invite people to submit their best unicycling
photos through facebook,the
forum, or personal contacts. Preferably post low-res there, as this is just for a first
selection. Alternatively, you could (at any time of the year) send your
photos, e.g. through facebook messenger or via e-mail to
In addition, I will try to find suitable photos myself, such as on the forum and on facebook, and contact the owner if I might
want to use something. If your photo gets on the shortlist
(pre-selection), I'll contact you for a hi-res version.
What are selection criteria for the photos?
Must be from the previous year
(example: I create the 2025 calendar by the end of 2024, using
photos from 2024)
Must be about unicycling (duh)
action shots as opposed to posing
* expert riding
* spectacular
* surprising
* remarkable
* unique
* funny
* technical picture quality
* composition
gorgeous scenery/surroundings
In each edition, I strive for a wide spectrum of disciplines such as
muni, road riding, track racing, urban, freestyle and team sports. Also,
I want to somewhat balance country/continent of origin, age and gender
of depicted riders. Indeed, picture selection is a balancing act,
much like unicycling itself :-)
Frequently (or sometimes less frequently) Asked
How can I get a copy of the
Send an e-mail to me ( requesting a copy, and state your country of residence. I will send a download link through
TransferNow to the address you sent your request from.
Why do you need my e-mail
I distribute the calendar digitally via TransferNow, this service works through e-mail.
Why this distribution system?
I like to keep track of where the calendar ends up, which is easy
with TransferNow. It’s a thrill for me to know that it hangs in
homes and offices throughout the world.
That's why I don't just put it somewhere in the cloud, or on my
(BTW, I used to send through WeTransfer but they have changed their
conditions, and TransferNow is currently a better option.)
In what format do you send the
I distribute the calendar as a pdf file, without password or any restriction.
There are 13 pages: one front/cover page, and one page for each
month of the year. Filesize is usually around 20 MB.
Any recommendations for
I recommend to print on glossy photo paper. The layout is optimised for A4 format in portrait orientation (21.0 x 29.7 cm). If you print on
another size such as "Letter", you may want to tweak the print settings. I optimised the photos for printing, therefore I recommend NOT to use automatic print optimisation - it might "over-optimise", If you don't have a good printer, you might want to take/send the file to a print shop.
Can I see the calendar before I request a
I usually post a picture of the calendar, once it's ready, on facebook and on the forum. I guess you can search for it.
Are older calendars still
In the first few years, the calendars were not in pdf format, so
it would be a hassle to recreate those. Starting from 2014, pdf files are available on request.
Am I "subscribed"?
I save all requests in a distribution list. The next year, I will alert you
via e-mail when the calendar is ready, but I won't send it until you
actually request it.
What happens with my
I keep my distribution list "forever", but I won't share your data with anyone without your explicit approval. You can request to be deleted from the list.
Can I unsubscribe?
If you don't respond to my e-mails nor request a copy of the calendar for two years in a row, you won't receive any messages from me until you contact me again.
Additionally, you can request to be deleted from the distribution
list rightaway.
How many people have
(had) the calendar, and where are they?
Can I get my picture
in the calendar?
In principle: yes. I accept all submissions. But please be aware
that each year I receive many more pictures than there are months in
a year, so your picture has to pass a "survival of the
fittest" process.
See also above this FAQ list, under "How to get a unicycling
photo in the calendar".
What are the
technical requirements for pictures?
For pre-selection, it doesn't matter too much, as long as I can see
the merits of the picture.
I usually work with pictures submitted as jpg, but I can handle
other formats including raw. If your picture makes it to the
shortlist or the final selection, I need the original file in the
maximum resolution available, so no cropping, no colour or contrast
processing, no sharpening etc. In case you're wondering, the available
picture area on the calendar has aspect ratio of about 6:5, but
again: please don't crop it yourself.
Why the mix of unicycling disciplines? Many riders have specific
I recognise that the sport of unicycling includes many disciplines and not everyone will be interested in all of them. I think that a broad
range of pictures is generally most appealing, so that’s what I’ll keep aiming for. Obviously, you are free to make your own Muni/Freestyle/whatever calendar, but it would not be THE World Unicycling Calendar :-)
Why didn't you include this-or-that
My principal approach is to select the very best unicycling pictures of the previous year. This is obviously a matter of taste, and your taste may differ from mine. In addition, there are more criteria than just the best pictures. See the section on picture selection above this FAQ list.
What determines placement with a certain
I try to tie the photos to time of the year - a snow picture in January is almost traditional. Also I try to distribute subjects/disciplines evenly throughout the year. E.g. if I can avoid it, you won't find two muni pictures in adjacent months.
Do you edit the
Yes, almost always - that is why for the final selection I
prefer to work with the original files. I optimise contrast and
colours for printing on photo paper, and crop to fit the available
space. Sometimes I'll also rotate pictures slightly to correct
camera angles, or stretch or compress some regions. Occasionally, I
even add pixels. Everything is done gently, respecting the original
photograph. I bet that often even the original photographer would
only spot the differences when comparing side by side.
Do you ever pay for a
There is no money involved at all. Photographers share their pictures for free, for calendar use. As much as possible, riders and photographers are credited in the captions.
Why not more pictures than one per
I usually don't combine two or more pictures into one, because it would dilute the attention given to any of them. Occasionally I do combine pictures, if there is a strong relation between them. And I don't want more pages (like one per week); the monthly format ensures that only the very best pictures get the attention they deserve.
Why not use a double-size format, where the photo(s) would
be one sheet, and the calendar on another, below
That is an option that is often used for calendars to make them bigger than the paper they’re printed on. It’s a matter of taste but I think the calendar is big enough as it is. Also, if there is a whole A4 for the picture to occupy,
all pictures for the year should have a ‘landscape’ aspect ratio. On the current format the allotted space is more squarish (about
6:5) so that
a mix of 'landscape' and 'portrait' pictures is possible without too much
cropping or empty space.
Why A4?
A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm) is the standard paper size in most of the
world's countries including all of Europe (where I live). The A-series of paper sizes is arguably the most rational one: A0 is one square
meter, and the ratio of long side to short side is √2. This implies that if you cut
one sheet in half, you get the next smaller size while the
proportions remain the same.
Why is the calendar not formatted for writing stuff
The calendar is not intended for practical use beyond being inspiring/beautiful. Photo paper (which I recommend) isn’t very suitable for writing on anyway.
Why do some dates have a grey
Those are official holidays in many parts of the world, like New Year's Day and Christmas. One particular case is April 27, this is "Koningsdag", a public holiday in my home country The Netherlands. You can think of its
inclusion as a nice exotic "couleur locale" touch.
Why does the week start with
In many parts of the world, including where I live, Sunday is usually considered the first day of the week. See e.g. For some people this feels strange, as their first day of the week is Monday. Actually, I would like to offer a choice of first weekday between Sunday and Monday, it would fit the spirit of the international unicyclist community. Unfortunately, it is surprisingly complex to adapt the calendar software (which is Excel-based) to offer such a choice. If you are skilled in Excel and want to try your hand at this issue, please contact
me on
Why do you do all this? And for free, at
I started this project in 2010 to create a wall calendar for myself, as the then-famous UNI calendar was not issued anymore. I collected pictures from the forum where I was
(and still am) a long-time member, and in return offered to share the result with other forum members. I did this for free, because I felt part of the community. Since then, the World
Unicycling Calendar has gained momentum, but I still provide it for free because I like how it is appreciated all over the world, and I like fiddling with pictures. Win-win!
Is your question not in
the list? Let me know!